Help Teens Reduce Digital Distractions

Help Teens Reduce Digital Distractions

Our phones, tablets, and computers are linked to our entertainment, how we connect with friends and family, our sources of distraction, our self-promotion devices, and our gaming devices. So how are we supposed to ignore the notifications or the pull toward them when...
From the Dean of MIT

From the Dean of MIT

Today we watched an interview with MIT Dean of Admissions Stu Schmill, who emphasized the importance of extracurricular activities. College admissions officers want to know how students will contribute to the campus community, and what they do in high school...
Do SAT and ACT tutoring really help?

Do SAT and ACT tutoring really help?

Have you ever wondered if tutoring makes a difference in boosting ACT or SAT test scores? According to research, it does make a difference: “Colleges report either that they use a cut-off test score in the admission process or that a small increase in...