Do SAT and ACT tutoring really help?

Have you ever wondered if tutoring makes a difference in boosting ACT or SAT test scores?

According to research, it does make a difference: “Colleges report either that they use a cut-off test score in the admission process or that a small increase in test score could have a significant impact on an applicant’s chances of being admitted…As it has been found that even small test score increases may increase a student’s chances of admission at selective institutions, if money and time are no object, commercial coaching or private tutoring may well be worth the cost.” -Derek Briggs, 2009 National Association for College Admission Counseling Discussion Paper

What is your plan for taking standardized tests? Will you take the SAT or ACT or both? Does score choice work for or against you? How many AP and SAT Subject tests do top universities require? Is group or one-on-one tutoring more effective? What's the best way to increase your vocabulary? … Get answers to all of these questions when you work with us! 

Ivy League Potential has award-winning tutors who can help students boost their ACT and SAT test scores.