Personal College Counseling for 12th Grade Students

Impress Admissions Officers and Get Into a Top College!

Your Personal Admissions Strategy Blueprint

  • Essay Writing
  • SAT/ACT Tests
  • Recommendation Letters
  • A Detailed Resume
  • A Balanced College List
  • Demonstrated Interest
  • Interview Prep
  • Supplemental Material
  • Social Media Profiles
Download Free Blueprint!

Our Student Was Accepted to All 8 Ivy League Universities, Stanford, MIT, Wharton's Undergrad Program, and Brown University's PLME!


"Ms. Lal provided invaluable advice on my college application…She has a strong ability to evaluate different applications and identify aspects that need improvement. I am thankful for working with Ms. Lal and would highly recommend her services!” 

-Student LinkedIn Testimonial

How Important Are College Essays?

College admissions officers will be reading your essays to see if you will be a good fit at their college. And with the SAT and ACT becoming optional at many colleges, admissions officers are spending more time reading essays in order to make this decision.

Essays reveal how you think and who you are. If your essays don’t stand out from the crowd, your application may be filed in the “average” pile, even if you have a top-notch GPA and perfect SAT/ACT scores.

That's why it's so important to capture the admissions officers' attention. They appreciate good writing as a breath of fresh air. We teach you how to express your unique, authentic voice as you tell the story of your life through your essays. And if you do this well, they will want to meet you (which means they want you at their campus)

You will have everything ready to submit a stellar application!

A 650-Word Personal Statement and Additional Essays You Can Recycle.

A Personal Admissions Strategy Blueprint Reviewed by a Former Harvard Admissions Interviewer.

Q&A Sessions: unlimited essays reviewed. Parents Welcome.

Let's Talk

More Success Stories

Rising Seniors, Tip the Scale In Your Favor:

  • Tap insider knowledge. Our approach to college admissions is based on 12+ years of experience from a former Harvard admissions interviewer.
  • We have a 90% success rate for helping qualified students get into one of their top 3 colleges!
  • Get personal feedback on your application from a professional counselor who will guide you through a proven step-by-step process.
  • A research study analyzing 50,000 college admissions essays found that admissions officers rewarded a certain style of writing. We teach it to you!

Professional College Counseling


Students meet 1:1 with professional college counselors who have attended highly selective universities.

We create a personal college admissions strategy for each student, along with a detailed schedule for meetings, work and deliverables after each session.

This ensures that students stay on track and complete their applications in time!

The College Admissions Blueprint

Knowledge is power! Download our college admissions blueprint so you can get into a top college and set for a happy, successful life! We will be in touch about upcoming webinars and invite you to a discovery call with one of our expert advisors.

Download the Free Blueprint Now!