Can AP Credits Save You Money on College Tuition?
May 01, 2024
Will you be taking AP exams this school year? If you have the opportunity to do so, we would highly recommend it. Many highly selective colleges offer college credit for students who score well on AP exams, but very few students take advantage of these opportunities. At Harvard, students who have scored 5 on a minimum of four full AP tests may be eligible for advanced standing. This allows a student to graduate in three years instead of four years. Alternatively, the student may choose to study at Harvard for four years and pursue two degrees–a bachelors and a master’s degree! Many other top colleges also offer AP credit, allowing you to skip certain class requirements and possibly finish college early. The College Board has an excellent search tool so you can find out how many credits you can get at a certain college for scoring well on an AP exam. Considering the high cost of tuition for college classes, it is well worth the effort to take as many AP classes as possible in high school, do well, and study hard for AP exams. You could end up saving thousands of dollars in tuition!